Drop-off & Pick-up…

Drop-off Schedule

Drop-off will be held for 3 days!

An extended drop-off period eliminates any excessive back-ups in the registration process, while providing you with more personal attention and allowing our quality control gals to do a more thorough job.

We will be using our highlighting system to divide you into smaller “drop-off” groups.
Please refer to the chart below and/or check-out our event schedule to find your specific drop-off day.

Friday, September 6th, 10:00am to 6:00pm

Saturday, September 7th, 10:00am to 6:00pm

Monday, September 9th, 10:00am to 6:00pm

NOTE:   If you need to come earlier or later, please let us know; we will be glad to work with you.

If you need to make any adjustments to your drop-off day or require a scheduled appointment, feel free to contact us. Please make a note in the subject field “Drop-off appointment needed”. Provide us with your name, consignor number and desired appointment time when writing.  Starting September 5th, we will not have the opportunity to check email or check voicemails until very late.  The best way to contact us after setup has begun is the come by the store.

What should I expect at drop-off?

Check-in at the registration table found in the entrance to the store (look for signs).

When dropping off your items you’ll need to plan to be on location for at least 45 minutes. This will allow time to fill out your registration form, check-in through quality control, and put your items away on the sales floor. Allow extra time if you are bringing a “Duck-Load of Stuff” (more than 300 items), arrive at peak hours or plan to order and attach your barcodes during drop-off.

NOTICE: Please do not park in front of the entrance unless instructed to do so by a staff member upon completion of your paperwork. If you have 30 items or less please park in the parking lot and bring your items with you to check-in.
All other consignors: Please leave your items in your car and come in to the store to check-in.  After you sign in, we will let you know when you may begin unloading your items.  If you have large items or need to unload near the front door for any other reason please ask permission before moving your car.  As soon as you have unloaded please move your car back to the parking lot in order to make room for the next consignor to unload.  We need your help to keep the area in front of the doors clear of parked cars during the entire drop-off process.

Please exercise common courtesy!

Preparing for Check-In

During check-in you will be asked to:

  • Fill out a registration form
  • Your participation fee will be deducted from your final earnings. So no need to bring cash.
    See how you can save $10.00 off your participation fee- by visiting our workers page.
  • Provide a self-addressed stamped envelope if you do not plan to pick-up your unsold items following the sale. (Your envelope is what will be used to mail your check at the end of the sale so please make sure the information provided is correct.)
  • You’ll be given the opportunity to sign-up for any remaining work shifts at this time.
  • If you need barcodes, you will be able to order them at this time.  (NOTE: allow extra time to attach your barcodes. The time will be relative to the number of items you bring).
  • Your items will go through a seasonal and quality control check point.
  • Pick-up your Private Sale wristband at the registration table after you place everything on the sales floor.
  • Take promotional materials to share within your circle of friends and family. You’re our best form of advertising spread the word!

A good suggestion to help prepare you for drop-off: Use rubber bands to group sizes and gender together (this will help YOU when putting your items away on the sales floor)

Completing Registration

Check-in is not complete until you put your items away.
Anything left at the registration desk will NOT be put on the sales floor so make sure you allow enough time to put EVERYTHING in its APPROPRIATE place. THANKS!!

Pick-Up & Unsold Items

All consignors must highlight their tags if you plan to pick-up your unsold items. Use the chart below to find which color of highlighter to use. Example: If your consignor number begins with the letter “M” then you would use a yellow highlighter creating a band of color down the right side of each index card (notice the shaded area).

Any unsold items left after 7:00pm on Tuesday, September 17th, will be donated to worthy charities.